Coconut Water

cocoWhat is coconut water?

Coconut water is the crystal clear liquid found in young coconut shells, which also serves as a container for the endosperm (a tissue produced in seeds of flowering plants) during its development. Young coconuts are harvested from the coconut trees while they are still green. A coconut can be obtained from the tree after it is about 5 to 7 months of age, and to gain access to the water, a hole is bored through the top through which one can pour the sweet tasting coconut water. You may not be accustomed to drinking it, but it is a very popular drink in the tropical countries and available in fresh, canned or bottled form. It offers a great source of quenching thirst and is a rather yummy alternative for water. A coconut can contain up to 200 to 1000 ml of water depending on its size. However, coconuts younger than 5 months can be bitter in taste and lack nutrients that develop later.

Properties of coconut water

In recent years coconut water has been used as an energy drink as it contains low levels of fats, carbohydrate, calories and high electrolyte content, all necessary for a healthy living. It also contains vitamins, minerals, amino acid and enzymes. Coconut water contains electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium. It doesn't stop there. For something that comes out of a small coconut, it also contains proteins like tryptophan, Leucine and lysine among many others. So one can imagine the amount of health benefits coconut water can offer.

What can be coconut water be used to treat?

Coconut water has a variety of uses. Since it has low fat content, large quantity can be consumed without the risk of gaining weight. Research suggests that cytokinin in the coconut water can have anti-ageing and anti-thrombotic (anti-clotting) effects. The enzymes in its water such as dehydrogenase, diastase and peroxidase can help in better digestion and metabolism. It provides moisture to the skin and helps remove acne and other blemishes on the surface of the skin. It can help you lower or stabilize your blood pressure as it contains a healthy amount of electrolytes. In extreme emergencies coconut water can be used for rehydration thanks to isotonic with plasma in human body. Coconut water is also used to treat diarrhoea to replace the fluid loss from the gastro-intestinal tract to reduce the need of being hospitalized.

Despite all the numerous health benefits, there are some side effects that cannot be ignored. Over consumption of the sweet tasting water alternative can actually cause acute kidney failure leading to loss of consciousness and eventually death.

Where can I get coconut water?

Coconuts are found in the tropical regions of the world. However, it is available in canned form and in bottled form in most super stores, so if you live in the US, Canada or a European country, you can easily get some from you nearest store. In tropical countries though, fresh coconut water can be obtained and drunk right from the coconut itself.

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